Monday, May 7, 2012


I have been thinking a lot lately about what being a friend really means to me. I am very fortunate to have a dynamic, eclectic group of people who I get to call friends. Here's a short list I came up with, in no particular order:

- laugh together often
- hug each other
- love without judgement
- be there for one another, in happy times, in times of sadness, all the time, even if it doesn't seem convenient
- tell each other often how you feel about your relationship
- go above and beyond
- never take one another for granted
- take time to nurture your friendship, for if you don't it will wither and deteriorate
- show up, both physically and emotionally
- keep in's really easy with all the cool technology these days
- approach one another with love, compassion and kindness
- be vulnerable...if you aren't it makes it hard for others to be your friend
- forgive...we are all human and will make mistakes

To all of my beautiful, handsome, lovely friends, I LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

I absolutely adore reading your comments and appreciate you taking the time to stop in to read my blog. Shine on and keep those comments coming!