Thursday, November 15, 2012

Farewell Diapers

Today we all in full potty training mode around here!  So far, this kid is rockin' it heavy metal style!  We started the morning by throwing all of his diapers in the trash.  He was extremely excited about that!  Side note: I totally pulled them out of the trash when he wasn't looking so I can donate them to someone else.  I just can't throw them out when someone else could use them.  However, he thinks they are GONE and that's what matters most.
He had his first accident right away and he cried.  We ran to the potty chair and I reassured him that everything was ok.  He got a sticker to put on his "Sticker Poster" and he was happy again.  About 10 minutes later we were playing and he looked down and said, "NO!"  I asked him if he needed to potty and he said, "Yeah" so we headed back to the potty.  Nothing happened.  He got a sticker anyway for sitting on the potty.  10 more minutes and he had another accident but we ran to the potty and he sat on it.  This time when we were finished he got a pom pom to put in a glass.  So, he gets stickers when he actually goes potty and a pom pom anytime he goes and sits on it.  15ish minutes later, he said to me, "Mommy!  I need to potty!"  We ran to the potty and....success!!!  We danced and sang and celebrated!  He got a sticker.  We had a few more times of going and sitting without anything happening then he told me again that he needed to go and he DID!  After lunch I could tell he needed to poop because he was walking on his toes and making faces.  After many tries, we had no success.  He's napping now in his bed, with big boy undies on, and I am hoping we don't wake up to a big mess! 
All in all, I am very impressed with him!  Things are going pretty much like I thought only he's exceeded my expectations!  For those who know all we've dealt with in the last year, you know what a big deal potty training is to me.  There was a time when I was unsure how I would ever get him trained.  I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to do this with my little guy.  I know that might sound silly but it's really true.  Being able to help him tune in and read the cues from his body and guide him in the right direction is pretty darn special. 
I'm following the 3 Day Potty Training advice and doing what I feel is best for Landon.  I'm not amping up his salt intake, giving extra treats or rewarding with foods.  I am rewarding with stickers, pom poms (which for some reason he loves!), lots of praise and he will get new jammies tonight and tomorrow as a surprise.  Saturday, we will venture out for dinner to reinforce what a big boy he is and how proud we are of him!  I have a few rewards such as glow bracelets, a coloring book and special new crayons that he will get when he poops in the potty.  We are only on Day 1, which I have heard is the most challenging.  I'll post again at the end and let you all know how it goes!     

Big Boy Undies on and ready to face this day!
Coloring to help pass the time between potty breaks
Crayons.  Awesome invention.
Making his masterpiece
Slammin' that hat to keep him warm this morning.  He ONLY wanted to wear undies!  You see how purple those little lips are?!
Goodbye diapers!
Goodbye diapers! 
Goodbye diapers!
He was a very excited boy after throwing those diapers in the trash!
Chillin'.  Literally.  He was freezing but refused to put clothes on.  He is so proud of those undies!

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