Saturday, January 21, 2012

Stuff I have Learned

Landon teaches me something new every day. Here are a few of the things he's taught me, in no particular order.

1. I can function on just a few hours of broken sleep.

2. I will stay in very uncomfortable positions for long periods of time if it makes him feel better.

3. Although I always said I wouldn't be a co-sleeping Mama (other than the first few months of his life), I have been sleeping with Landon at my side for the last two months. He feels more secure and I feel better knowing he's comforted. I will do this for him as long as necessary. Besides, waking up to his sweet smile is a pretty good way to start the day.

4. Poop is a hot topic!

5. Love is infinite and our capacity to love grows each day. Just when I think I can't love Landon any more than I already do, something shifts and the love multiplies. It's amazing.

6. Landon will learn in his way, on his own time, and that's really ok.

7. There are WAY more important things in life that will always trump how clean the house is.

8. Even when I think I'm doing everything right, I'm probably not.

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