Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Every Good Mom is a Super Mom

Being a Mom is the hardest, most rewarding job I've ever had. Yes, I call it a job. It is. I take it very seriously and make efforts every day to be the best Mom (and being) I can be.

Reality; some times I suck at it. I lose my temper, have no patience, zone out instead of tuning in to my kid, wish for a few hours all by myself. You know why? Because I'm human and I'm not perfect!

I know so many women who want to portray to everyone else that they have it all together. I get it. Sometimes it's hard to admit that you don't always have your crap together or know exactly what you're doing.

I'm going out on a limb here when I say this, but I think I'm pretty right on. Every single Mother is overwhelmed at times, especially when their children are very young. Guess what? It's completely normal!

Being a Super Mom doesn't mean you have to run around pretending every thing is perfect. Us other Mom's, yeah, we know better anyway. Being a Super Mom means doing your best every day. It's totally ok to admit when you're overwhelmed! I guarantee your friends are in the same boat. As a matter of fact, they would probably be relieved to hear you're going through similar things in your life.

Seriously. Parenting is hard work. I second guess myself, wonder if I'm doing things "right", feel awful when I lose my patience and often am in awe that I'm really a Mom.

On the flip side, I have days when I absolutely excel and do things just right. I read extra books, am patient beyond measure and craft with Landon like Martha Stewart. Those days are important and feel really good. I am grateful for my little blessing and cherish my time with him.

This photo was shared by a dear friend (who is an AH-MAZING Mama, FYI) and I think it's pretty perfect.

Friday, April 26, 2013


King Landon is 3 today!

We started the morning with star shaped pancakes, because he is our little rock star!

We hit the craft store (one of his favorite places) then had lunch with Daddy.

After his nap we took him for his first Build-a-Bear experience. We had originally planned a picnic at the park but the rain changed our agenda. He LOVED picking outfits, shoes and accessories for his special bear, who he named Skipper.

He had a fun day and smiled from ear to ear every time I called him King Landon. As we were out and about, many people we didn't know stopped and took the time to wish him a Happy Birthday. Very cool.

He is having a party tomorrow with his friends and he's very much looking forward to it!

We let him stay up late tonight. It just happened that we were snuggling for bedtime right around the time of his birth 3 years ago. I was singing to him and he interrupted me and asked, "Will you please tell me the story about when I was born?" I kid you not, he asked me at exactly 9:08, the time of his birth.

I got to hear "I love YOU, Mommy!" at least 567 times today. My heart skipped a beat each and every time. He wanted to hold my hand, sit extra close and was very generous with his hugs and kisses.

As for me, I simply cannot believe my baby is 3. I absolutely cherished our time together today, soaking in all the hugs, kisses and laughter. This kid of ours is a true joy. His presence makes everything shine brighter. I am a tad bit melancholy as I think about the last 3 years being gone. We don't ever get that time back, however, we have a lot to look forward to in our future.

Happy Birthday Boy Wonder! Mama and Daddy love you and are proud of everything you do!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Frickin' Flooding!


In our laundry room.

I want to cuss a lot! A lot, lot!

This is NOT my idea of a fun Saturday.


Have you ever had a room in your house flood? Did it make you completely insane?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Landon-ese and a Fibber Story.

My kid makes my heart pitter-patter. I'm pretty sure you are all well aware of that fact. I'm also certain those of you who have children know the exact feeling I'm referring to. He also makes me laugh with his cute antics.

My conversation with Landon while we were laying in bed tonight, chatting.

L: Mommy, are you happy?

M: Yes Honey, I am happy.

L: I'm happy too, Mommy. I really, really love you Mommy. I love everybody. I like to make everybody happy. I like to smile at people. That makes people happy. Why are you happy? (The whole time hugging my arm and gently touching my cheek)

M: Right now, I'm happy because you are such a kind, sweet, nice and loving little boy.

L: I really love you, Mommy. A lot.

M: I love you too, Sweet Pea. (tears welling up in my eyes!)


L: For breaf-kast, I want warm cereal with honey and cim-ah-non and plain ol' round pancakes. O-tay, Mommy?

M: Ok Buddy. (Smiles)

L: It's o-tay if you can't make me heart pancakes.


L: I love Aslan! (my Mom's dog)

M: I know you do, Buddy.

L: Don't tell me "I know"!

M: Hey, don't be bossy. Mommy is the boss.

L: O-tay Mommy. You could be the boss. I'm still bossy.


Here's another little story for you all. A couple of weeks ago Sponge Bob was on the television at a place we were visiting. We don't watch this show at home because I've read way too much and have seen studies that have shown it makes little ones hyperactive. We don't need Landon any more hyper, thank you very much. Plus, I think it's inappropriate for young children. FYI, this is simply our belief and I honestly don't care what your kids watch. No judgements! I want to be clear on that. Anyway, I digress... Flash forward a few days. Landon is staying with my brother-in-laws Mom (confused yet?). She was putting him down for a nap and she asked him, "Do you watch a show to help you go to sleep?" His response, "Yes, I watch Sponge Bob." So, believing him, because he's obviously very convincing, she put on Sponge Bob. Guess who didn't take a nap? Guess who threw a maniacal fit that evening? Yep, Landon the fibber! Goodness!

Do you have any stories of your Little's fibbing? Tell me! I need to know I'm not alone over here!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Enjoy life-it's delicious!

When I was a youngin' I spent many summer days with my Grandparents. They always had ice cream and I bet I asked 567 times a day if I could have some. My Mama was a health nut so we didn't often get ice cream at home. During one of many visits, Grandma presented us with some special little dishes for myself, my sisters and our cousins to eat ice cream out of. We loved that they were different and just for us kids.

Tonight, I got to share these special dishes with Landon when he got to try Almond Milk ice cream. He LOVED it and I LOVED sharing this sweet time with him.

I also adore the sentiment written on the dishes.

Enjoy life-it's delicious!

Yes, it truly is. Right down to the very last drop.

Thanks, Grandma, and Landon, for the special memories.