Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What Dreams May Come

Throughout my adult years I have looked for hobbies and thought about possible career paths.  For some reason I tend to shy away from the things which someone else in my life "already does".  I'm not sure why I've done this.  During some time of deep reflection lately, I've come to terms with the fact that no matter what I choose to fill my time with, there will always be someone who has paved the way, so to speak. 

At times being a nurse sounds like a good path for me, but that's a no go because it's what Stef does.  I've thought about getting in to hair and make up as a career, but no, because that's what Joni does.  I've considered teaching, but uh-uh, that's what Kristi does.  I've considered photography as a hobby (for MANY years now!), but nope, that's what Jesse and Aunt Carolyn do.  Culinary school would be tons of fun, and I really think I would love it, but there isn't a school here in Wichita. 

All these "buts" in my life have really held me back! 

Why on earth has it taken me so long to realize this?!? 

I am no longer going to let what others do stand in the way of my dreams. 

I am saving for a professional camera and I am enrolling in some photography classes.  I've wanted to do this for way too long and the time is now!  I feel excited, more excited than I've been about anything in a long time.  Besides, I have a pretty darling little subject at home!


1 comment:

  1. that is wonderful Les, I am so proud of you. xx Rach


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