Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I know this may be a touchy post but it's what's on my mind tonight.

Gossip is rooted in negativity. It almost never results in positive outcomes and typically ends up hurting others in one way or another.

Look, I'm not saying I have never gossiped. I have. I am not proud of it but it's the truth. I would be willing to bet there isn't one person out there who has never talked about another. It happens.

That being said, I do not think it is productive and I believe it is something we should all try to refrain from.

There is a difference in talking to a confidant about a particular situation in an effort to find resolution and talking just to talk. Sometimes I need to run my feelings by a trusted person in my life, just to realize I'm being silly, or to realize what I'm feeling is valid.

Being a grown up comes with many responsibilities, one being talking TO a person instead of ABOUT them. That act isn't always easy but it is most definitely productive and worth the effort. When approached with an open mind and loving heart, most issues can be worked through. I say this from experience.

I'm in the business of spreading love and light around. I want people I encounter to walk away feeling good. I welcome others to come to me if I am saying or doing something offensive. I honestly feel like I'm the strongest I've ever been in my whole life. I want to continually improve and I strive to do something every day to make that happen. I want to give back to the world, to people, to causes. I want to be the best ME possible. I want to make a difference.

I am perfectly imperfect and I'm pretty cool with that.


  1. leslee, you are indeed in the business of spreading love and light. I could sense your genuine kind spirit the first time I met you.

    1. Wow Brooke, what an incredibly kind compliment! Thank you!


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